Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wall Can Be Erected Now; Let’s Move On

Colombo Telegraph
By Mano Ratwatte –November 13, 2016
Mano Ratwatte
Mano Ratwatte
It seems someone in Sri Lanka wasted coconuts engaging in irrational behavior to pray for Hillary’s victory. Logically that action is flawed. The problem is, if such deities exist, and they listen to prayers, they are not American Citizens nor do they have Greencards to influence the US election. It is likely they cannot influence American deities to help a certain candidate to win. So basically precious food was smashed, and wasted to try to seek divine intervention to what really are human thought driven processes. If these Deities can influence elections, it required them to send simultaneous SMS messages and subliminal messages to millions of American voters. Such a waste of a precious commodity.
In a stunning election night, the Republican nominee Trump, secured victory after a string of formerly Democratic states swung his way. Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa all turned red. Nationally, Donald Trump won 47.4% of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 47.7% – yet this translated into 290 electoral college votes for the Republicans and 228 for the Democrats (BBC)
If President Sirisena’s election was a rainbow coalition of Inclusiveness, Trump’s election was one of clear Exclusionary demographics. White non-Hispanic voters went to Trump by a whopping 58% to 37%. Hillary’s percentage of black votes also fell from Obama’s 93% to 88% and that is massive except when you consider total number of votes cast in the battleground states. The US is racially and economically divided, angry and polarized. Trump neither knows nor cares about Sri Lanka but is likely to defer to advice from the professionals including Keshap. There will be significant changes in the State Department and political appointees of the Obama regime including Samantha Power, and Biswal will no longer get US Tax payer funded trips to Colombo to pressure the regime.
College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. In 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%. White College educated voters also went to Trump by a 4% margin.Clinton
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) may have helped scuttle Democratic nominee’s aspirations to win the Presidency. However she cannot just try to blame that for a series of missteps and the reality than 60% of Americans did not like either candidate. As this writer said it once predicted, it was a Seismic election. A leaked conversation between Mrs. Clinton and some of her key donors suggests that she blames FBI Director Comey, because he reopened the investigation when they discovered her emails in an unrelated investigation into her close confidante Huma Abedin’s estranged husband ex Democratic Congressman the deviant Anthony Weiner; he was being investigated for sexting with a minor. That incident broke her momentum. She had the momentum after the 3 debates but lost it after FBI director Comey made the announcement. Was he doing that to influence the election or to stem threatened leaks from anti Clinton FBI field agents? He was after all a registered Republican who had donated to Republican candidates.