Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, November 11, 2016

VIDEO: Syrian reporter Hadi Abdullah wins 'Journalist of the Year'

Syrian reporter Hadi Abdullah wins Reporters without Borders 2016 'Journalist of the Year' award

(Twitter @HadiAlabdallah)

Islam Zitout's pictureIslam Zitout, Producer-Friday 11 November 2016

When this 24-year-old nurse from Homs left his job he never expected to become the eyes of the world in Syria.

An independent reporter in the ‘most dangerous place on earth,' Hadi Abdullah has highlighted the horrors, and hopes, of the almost six year long Syrian civil war.

Now 29, Abdullah has had many close brushes with death, including a bomb attack on his home, wounding him and killing his friend and cameraman, Khaled al-Essa.

In recognition of his work, Reporters without Borders awarded Hadi Abdullah with the 2016 'Journalist of the Year' award.

Following the award however, some analysts criticised Abdullah's journalistic credibility as a neutral reporter, citing an incident where Abdullah allegedly taunted pro-government forces trapped under rubble.