Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, November 13, 2016

US President-elect Donald Trump is seeking to withdraw from global agreement to limit climate change
Sunday 13 November 2016 
Moroccan, international protesters against climate change call for action to protect planet in Marrakesh on sidelines of COP22 climate conference on Sunday (AFP)
Thousands of Moroccans and foreigners marched on Marrakesh on Sunday to demand "climate justice" from global envoys gathered for UN talks on staving off worst-case-scenario global warming.
"It is an international march for all the people who suffer the results of climate change, yet had no role in causing it," said Mohamed Leghtas of a Moroccan climate coalition of environment, human rights and labour groups.
"Climate change is a triple injustice: committed by the north against the south, by current generations against future ones, and by a minority which enriches itself from fossil fuel energy against the poor who are left to pick up the pieces," he told AFP.
Native Peruvians, Berber groups and African associations formed part of the procession that snaked through the city, brandishing placards reading: "Make love, not CO2," and "1.5 C to stay alive."
The latter refers to the goals of the climate rescue Paris Agreement concluded at the previous round of UN talks in the French capital in 2015, and set the goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), or 1.5 C if possible.
"We are here to demand respect and to urge the world to commit to cutting greenhouse gases," blamed for warming the planet, added Antolin Huascar of Peru's agricultural confederation. 
The protest took place on the sidelines of the 22nd Conference of Parties of the UN's climate convention, COP22 for short, which runs until 18 November.
US President-elect Donald Trump, meanwhile, is seeking quick ways of withdrawing from the global agreement to limit climate change, a source on his transition team said, defying widening international backing for the plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Trump, who has called global warming a hoax and has promised to quit the Paris Agreement, was considering ways to bypass a theoretical four-year procedure for leaving the accord, according to the source, who works on Trump's transition team for international energy and climate policy.
"It was reckless for the Paris agreement to enter into force before the election" on Tuesday, the source told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Diplomats must negotiate rules for putting the hard-fought Paris Agreement's goals into action.
On Tuesday, they will be joined by dozens of African heads of state, French President Francois Hollande and UN chief Ban Ki-moon.
"People must fight for their rights and not count on governments are under pressure from multinational corporations," Khadija Riadi, a Moroccan human rights defender, told AFP at the march.
"There can be no climate justice without respect for human rights."