Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, November 11, 2016

Police probe calls made by youth found dead at Wimal’s house

Police probe calls made by youth found dead at Wimal’s house

logoNovember 11, 2016

Police investigations are being carried out with regard to several calls made from the mobile phone of the youth, who was found dead at the residence of UPFA MP Wimal Weerawansa. 

  Police said that, acting on a court order, they are looking into certain numbers recorded in the mobile phone’s call history. 

Thalangama Police has also confirmed that the former Minister was not present at home on the night of the incident.  

Meanwhile it has been reported that the Kalubowila Hospital Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) report on the death has still not been submitted to the court while certain samples have been sent to the forensic for further tests. 

 Lahiru Janith, 24, a close friend of Weerawansa’s son, was found dead at the Hokandara residence of Weerawansa on Ocotober 25.

 The youth, who frequently visits the Weerawansa’s residence in Hokandara, had reportedly arrived at the house that night and stayed. He was found dead the following morning.