Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, November 11, 2016

Colombo Telegraph

By ANI Ekanayaka –November 10, 2016
Professor A.N.I. Ekanayaka
Professor A.N.I. Ekanayaka
Looking back on the US presidential election campaign one recalls the avalanche of shock, feigned moral outrage, and sense of injured innocence that greeted the widely circulated tape recording of Donald Trump uttering some vulgar profanities about women during a raucous conversation inside a luxury coach way back in 2005. No doubt millions of people all over the world heard this conversation over and over again on TV and the internet as it was played up by a malicious mainstream media hostile to Trump . There is no question that the crude and sexist comments by Trump were un
becoming of anybody, let alone a presidential candidate. One can understand ordinary people being appalled that Trump should have spoken such obscenities which are the stuff of raunchy uncouth banter that one associates with schoolboy locker rooms, men only clubs, bars and bachelor parties. That being said there was something deeply hypocritical and contradictory about the sanctimonious self righteous indignation of American society ( especially the mainstream media like CNN and the Democratic party ) over Trump’s remarks. Judging by the extent to which people were shocked and offended by this revelation one would imagine that Americans are a nation of coy innocent puritanical nuns easily embarrassed by a short burst of macho profanity !
The reality is very different. Americans are no angels when it comes to sexual immorality. For a start a survey of swear words on Facebook has found that over a 3 day period the commonest swear word was shit with 10.5 million US Facebook interactions, closely followed by “f **** ” the ubiquitous four letter profanity in the West with 9.5 million interactions ! America today ( not to mention much of Europe ) is a country that is wallowing in sexual immorality and sensuality to a point that is comparable with the moral decadence and debauchery of ancient Rome before the collapse of that civilisation. According to research by the Centre for Disease Control(CDC) in 2012 two-thirds of teenagers and young adults in the USA have had oral sex — about as many as have had vaginal intercourse. 44% of 15-17 year old boys and 39% of girls of the same age engage in some sort of sex with a partner of the opposite gender. CDC Surveys of High School students in 2015 have shown that 41% have had sexual intercourse, 30% during the past 3 months 21% of whom had taken drugs or alcohol before intimacy. Not surprisingly it is estimated that there are 750,000 teenage pregnancies in the USA every year the vast majority unintended. That is the level of sexual permissiveness in a society that is now highly embarrassed by 5 minutes of sexually explicit banter by a presidential contender. trump
No wonder marriage has become increasingly unfashionable in that country. According to the US Census Bureau as of 2012 47% of the adult population representing some 112 million people were unmarried, and in 2010 unmarried households were 45% of all US households. And marriage when it occurs is a very fragile institution with 53% of marriages in America ending in divorce. No wonder that in 41% of marriages one or both spouses admit to infidelity either physical or emotional with 36% of men and women admitting to infidelity while on business trips and 36% to having an affair with a co-worker. By some estimates roughly 30% to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage. Indeed 74% of married American men are reported to have said that they would have an affair if only they knew they would not get caught ! That is the state of adultery in a country whose official motto is “ In God we trust”. Fine words indeed. But sadly nowadays a lot of Americans appear to have forgotten the inalienable 8th Biblical commandment of the God in whom they hypocritically claim to trust ie “ Thou shall not commit adultery”