Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, November 13, 2016

His Excellency, if your dog is mad administer anti rabies injection otherwise it can make you and country mad !

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -13.Nov.2016, 11.30PM)  The best and most loving security sentinel of man is the dog , and none other. There   are  dogs which are trained and possessed of  the habit of holding the ears of the blind. However if this dog is suffering from rabies , the blind person will have to face the fate of being bitten by the same mad dog , and himself dying after going mad , not to mention he/she  roaming without direction and travelling  along the wrong road . 
Karunasena Kodituwakku the defense secretary is the most important of the secretaries of president Maithripala Sirisena  cum  defense minister. Sadly , this secretary has contracted the madness of Gotabaya.  Consequent upon this madness , this eccentric bloke has acted most queerly and insanely.
Gagan Bulathsighala was the Air Force Commander who retired some months ago.  Yet he hadn’t  so far  handed over the official residence ‘Air house’ to the new Air force commander. Neither did he hand over the official vehicle. Believe it or not  Gagan is still staying put in the official residence while also retaining the security contingent of 63 Air force soldiers (male and female) 
Among these 63 soldiers are women soldiers who serve Samanthi the wife of Gagan, engaged in duties in the kitchen including cooking and cleaning .Lanka e news had reported this on several occasions ,and the secretary to the prime minister too had phoned  rapacious and rabies infected  Gagan in regard to this , and requested him to return the official residence and the official vehicle .  Gagan however had not heeded it.

The Air Force in writing informed the president who is also  the defense minister about this , and the president immediately directed Gagan to return  the official residence and the vehicle.  Lo and behold ! Gagan did not care two hoots .  
What is this inordinate  power this  pensioner has to ignore the requests made by the president and the P.M.’s secretary ?

This inordinate power of this pensioner is that of Karunasena Hettiarachi , the president’s  defense secretary .To  Hettiarachi who is a booze addict and a rapist it is Gagan  who supplies women to him. Hence , he cannot sever his connections with Gagan.
After the president instructed Gagan to leave , and after the conclusion of the security council meeting , Hettarachi  addressing the other leaders of the forces said as follows :

 ‘Allow Gagan to stay longer  in that house .He is a man who helped the  ‘defense secretary’ immensely at that time. He cannot be kicked out.  We must arrange to help him go to a respectable house’
The ‘defense secretary’ Hettiarachi referred to was , none other than Gotabaya Rajapakse the devil incarnate.
On the orders of Hettiarachi who spoke that way ,  a special team of the army out of army funds  and raw materials  has started renovating a house at Wijerama Mawatha belonging to the mother of Gagan’s wife Samanthi .This team comprising about 50 members under  an army Lieutenant are transporting building  materials belonging to the army in army trucks to renovate the house of the retired Air Force commander’s mother in law spending (wasting) public funds. Anyone can go to the site and verify the truth of our report .
Meanwhile on the 9 th ,the new Air Force Commander Kapila Jayampathy called back the 63 soldiers who were being unlawfully employed in Gagan’s  ‘Air house.’  It was Hettiarachi who is suffering from AIDS  (acquired intelligence deficiency syndrome)  who came forward again in Gagan’s defense.
Hettiarachi immediately instructed the army commander Chrishantha Silva to provide army  security (soldiers) detail to Gagan . Accordingly a platoon of 25 army soldiers  was sent to provide security to Gagan’s house and for menial work of his wife on the 10 th. When inquiries were made  into this , a responsible officer of the army said ,only about three soldiers were dispatched for security detail , which is untrue.
There are certain privileges a retired commander is lawfully entitled to, but nowhere is it stated they can be provided with  soldiers for security. It is nowhere mentioned that they   can renovate the house of their   mothers in law enlisting the army out of Government funds.  Neither is it stated they can remain in the official residence and use the official vehicle as long as they want after retirement , without handing them over to the government . 
Moreover Gagan Bulathsinghala  is  not a commander who did yeoman service to  deserve special privileges – he is a notorious crook out and out ….
Hence under the circumstances, what Hettiarachi has done is a grave abuse of his official position , and misuse of public funds. The president Maithripala Sirisena  too is rendered liable for the grave wrongdoings and misdeeds of his secretary .
Of course as long as powers of president is being wielded these malpractices and misdeeds can be concealed , but when that  power leaves , even the posse of sycophants , scoundrels, sidekicks and hangers on will leave him  on the lurch . After that happens  ,  is he  going to weep  and wail  “Revenge is being taken on me”  when he is   hauled up before the FCID , CID and the Commission investigating bribery and corruption .

His Excellency the president …
Therefore , isn’t it much better rather than face all that trauma and despair ,  administer the rabies injection now itself to these mad dogs of yours and cure the disease. If that is not possible , decapitate the rabid dog and hand over the head to the MRI  for examination and save your own neck now itself.  Otherwise one thing is sure ,that dog is going to infect you too  with the madness meaning that the whole country  will finally become a lunatic asylum. None including you would prefer that , would you ? 
by     (2016-11-13 23:03:59)