Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Group of disabled members of the forces and Ravana Balaya invited attack to fulfill obligations of ‘contractors’ who hired them? (video)

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News - 08.Nov.2016, 11.45PM) Doubts have proliferated whether  the attack launched yesterday on  a group of  retired disabled officers of the forces who had been in service for less than 12 years  and the maniacal  extremists under the name of Ravana Balaya  when they tried to forcibly enter the presidential secretariat was the outcome  of the sly maneuvers ,and was an evil  attack  orchestrated by bankrupt discarded  politicos .
The reasons that support this view are …
This group was staging a fast for the last 5 days demanding that their ‘service pension salaries ‘ be paid , while  the president had already decided to grant this payment as far back as  end of last year , and a gazette notification too was released in that regard. This payment was to be made from February next year after the allocations are made under this year’s budget .

As soon as  this group commenced the fast  , the commander of the forces , the defense secretary and other relevant officials clarified the position to this group most lucidly supported by documents while also giving a written promise. Yet the group yesterday tried to break the barriers and enter the presidential secretariat. Mind you , this same group after being subjected to tear gas and baton attacks dispersed based on the same promise given to them earlier and not on a new assurance. Therefore it is as clear as day , this group invited this attack at the behest of the behind the scene bankrupt politicos and to serve the foul and destructive  agendas of the latter based on their  contract.  
The case history is as follows …
There are two  specific schemes under which payments are made to the disabled officers who are victims of the  war :
1.The officers who had become disabled while they were  in service  for 12 years in the forces, and have completed that period (taking into consideration the right of these officers to retire after 12 years)
2.Those who became disabled while serving in the forces for 10 years, and have completed that period.
These are officers who can  of their own accord  go before the medical board , and retire . 
Accordingly , the first category, that is those who have completed 12 years , are entitled to  three payments per mensem :
The salary based on their   service in the forces
The disability pension salary
The service pension salary 
Whereas , the second category of officers who have completed only ten years (not 12 years) are entitled to  the other two payments only and not the  service pension salary .
When deciding on the ‘disability pension salary’ the disabled state  is assessed b y the Medical board ,  and based on the extent to which he/she  is disabled, it is computed.  The maximum payable is 80 % of the salary.

The ‘service pension salary’ is computed based on their  period  of service  ,and a percentage of the salary   is paid.

These war heroes who  transformed into pawns of evil bankrupt political forces and invited attacks yesterday were receiving  all the allowances except  the afore noted service salary payment, and constituted a section  of the  group that had not completed 12 years in service.
After the war ended in 2009 , and until Maithripala Sirisena became president in January 2015, that is during the interim six years these officers had been  making their demands ,yet  the former despotic Rajapakse reign  did not even grant them a copper cent.
 However after Maithripala took over the reins, he ordered that this group which had not completed 12 years in service  be granted the service pension salary , and a gazette notification was issued to that effect. As delays are experienced due to  procedural wrangles when making the necessary financial allocations and overcoming legal barriers ,  it was promised  this allocation will  be made in this year’s budget , and payments with arrears will be granted from next February. 
While this is the true situation , this group who fell prey to the bankrupt politicos , pretended yesterday that  the good governance government was attacking the war heroes, in order to make  a false display and paint a wrong picture. 
The above reasons therefore confirm this atrocious and delusive display was to serve the  vicious and venomous aims and agendas of the presently discarded , detested and drowning   Rajapakses who are now without even a straw to hold on to. 
Another abominable aspect of this odious incident is the short sightedness of the IGP. For the last full five days , this group which included not only some of the disabled officers of the forces but also the Ravana Balaya extremist frontline monks  was  conducting themselves most offensively disregarding  the genuine and reasonable promises given to them already.

Hence the IGP must bear the full responsibility for this incident , because even after knowing very well the violent mischief making monks and their leaders are behind this agitation , he did not take any action whatsoever until these hooligan monks exacerbated the tension and escalated the situation  so far as to forcibly enter the Presidential secretariat.
May be the IGP , better known as the Imbecile General of Police whose four mobile phones are busy with his receiving and answering calls of cuties and  lads ; making poses on face book pages  ; giving answers to the face book comments received ; and making four to five hours long vacuous sermons , naturally has no  time to attend to his onerous official duties . Perhaps, it is why he forgot to provide security ahead to the presidential secretariat. His globetrotting is no excuse in any case. Neither   does that exculpate him of the blame nor relieve him of his responsibilities. 
The video footage covering the incident is hereunder 
by     (2016-11-09 04:36:25)