Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Farage BLASTS Juncker for using Trump victory to 'destroy Nato and form an EU army'

sunday_express_logoNIGEL FARAGE has launched a scathing attack on the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker saying he has attempted to use Donald Trump’s US election victory to push forward with an EU army.

By  Sun, Nov 13, 2016

The interim  leader claimed that the president-elect is right to criticise the military alliance but that gives no cause for Mr to pursue his “ridiculous dream” of a European force.
Speaking after becoming the first British politician to meet the victorious Republican since the election last week, Mr  told Sky News: “You’ve got Jean-Claude Juncker using the election of President Trump as a means of trying to destroy Nato by pushing his ridiculous dream of a European army.”
Despite being a vocal critic of the alliance, the Brexiteer was adamant that Britain would need to act to ensure US-relations continue.
He continued: “I have to say when Trump says America should not continue to pick up such a big bill for Nato – I think he’s right the other members do need to pull their weight, and frankly there has been no proper reassessment of what Nato is ever since the Berlin wall came down over 25 years ago.
Nigel Farage, Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Trump
Farage blasted Juncker for using Trump's election victory to push for an EU army

I think it will be wrong to view Trump as being a threat to our security
Nigel Farage
“I see this as being one of the reasons why it is vital that we have a good relationship with the USA because we are the bridge between America and the rest of the Nato members.
“And I would really want to see, at some point next year, a coming together of all Nato members to talk about their commitments, talk about its structure and to talk about the future.
“But the more we hear from the European Union that they wish to brush Nato aside the more I think it will be wrong to view Trump as being a threat to our security, but increasingly the European Union that is.”
The Brexit campaigner also claimed that Great Britain will be at the front of any queue for any post-Brexit trade deal with the US when Mr Trump takes up his position in the Oval Office.

He said: “Not just President-elect Trump, but his whole team, are Anglophiles..
“They like our country, they recognise what we’ve done together in the past and they’re coming into this with an incredibly positive view.
“That is good news – we need to seize the day.”
Ukip said the pair spent over an hour discussing the president-elect’s victory, global politics and the status of Brexit – after Downing Street didn’t seem keen for him to pursue the job of US ambassador to the UK.
On Twitter, Mr Farage posted: “It was a great honour to spend time with Donald Trump. He was relaxed and full of good ideas.
“I’m confident he will be a good president. His support for the US-UK relationship is very strong. This is a man with whom we can do business.
“I was especially pleased at his very positive reaction to the idea that Sir Winton Churchill’s bust should be put back in the Oval Office.”