Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dr Navi Pillai receives book on proliferating Buddhist structures

Dr Navi Pillai receives book on proliferating Buddhist structures

Nov 10, 2016

Dr Navi Pillai, the former High Commissioner of UN Human Rights Council who was the key note speaker at the event and recipient of the first copy at the Event in USA, commended the work done by British Tamils Forum in publishing the book. 

She encouraged publication of more similar evidence based documents with facts, to bring to the notice of the international community, the continuing attack on the Tamil Nation, in the Island of Sri Lanka.
Several delegates at the event praised the timely release of this book in creating awareness of the current situation, among the western government policy makers and diplomats. This book was released in the UK by All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPG-T) in association with British Tamils Forum on the 24th October 2016 and in Australia by Australian Tamil Congress (ATC).
British Tamils Forum wishes to thank Dr Navi Pillai for her continuing support to the Tamil people and her words of encouragement.  We also wish to salute all the brave people in our homeland who had risked their lives in collecting the evidence that made this document as well as those who have contributed to the publication in various ways.
We appeal to our compatriots to support us in our endeavour in making this document reach as many of those who need to know of the plight of the Tamil nation and take the necessary action.