Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Monday, November 14, 2016

Conspiracy to smuggle out infamous criminal Duminda ! -Fudging judge, medical specialists and media coolie involved

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News - 14.Nov.2016, 10.00PM) The notorious drug Kingpin who is now in the death row in connection with the cold blooded ruthless murder of Baratha Lakshman and three others  in broad daylight is  somehow, either by  hoodwinking the authorities ,or by secret methods is to be found an escape route from jail . Plans are afoot to  smuggle him  out of  the country  by sea, based on information reaching Lanka e news inside information division.

Judge Ayesha Abdeen involved…

One such plan involves Colombo District Judge Ayesha Abdeen  of all people . Shockingly, this judge has gone to the prison to meet Duminda on the 10 th at about 8.30 p.m. Our inquiries revealed that she has entered the prison , and  prison records confirm it. A doctor at the prison hospital is witness to this. Further inquiries revealed that Ayesha the shamelessly fudging  judge had visited Duminda within prison in the night on the very day Duminda  was incarcerated.

These two meetings are absolutely illegal and  the reasons are :
1.Meeting a prisoner within prison at 8.30 p.m. after the visitors’  time is over at 4.30 p.m. is unlawful . It is the duty of the Prisons Commissioner to take action against the prisons officers who permitted this  illegal meeting .
2.While Duminda has filed an appeal in the supreme court (SC) , Ayesha despite being a  District judge met with  a prisoner without the permission of the SC.
It is the duty of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) , in the circumstances to immediately interdict Ayesha , and launch an investigation.
It is worthy of special note that Ayesha  was a judge  who faced an investigation launched by  the JSC earlier too , and pleaded guilty . In that instance , her involvement was the releasing of the cronies and assistants on bail of Duminda Silva engaged in heroin dealings.
The four suspects who were charged under the Opium and dangerous drugs Act section 54 were released on  bail despite the legal position  the suspects cannot be granted bail under that Act. This has taken place  on several occasions , and all the suspects were heroin dealing cronies and assistants of Duminda Silva. 
When JSC summoned her and investigated in this regard , she pleaded ignorance of the law (which is not excusable in law, anyway ) despite being a judge , while promising she would not commit that mistake again, and to pardon her. Ayesha who  was pardoned on that occasion has this time committed a more heinous crime. Currently ,   her connections and links with heroin dealers have become most manifest.

Involvement of medical specialists ..

Another diabolic plan under way to help Duminda’s escape :
The other culprit trying to help heroin King pin and murderer Duminda Silva is no less a person than medical specialist Lakshman Jayamanne the chief medical officer of prison hospital. 
Medical specialist  Ms. Maheshi Wijeratne of Jayawardenapura hospital earlier furnished a phony medical certificate to dispatch Duminda to Singapore, while   the  other party to this most abominable conspiracy is Dr. Athula Kahandaliyanage , the chairman of Jayawardenapura  hospital .
Based on their conspiracy , Duminda was hospitalized for about a month and given indoor treatment on the  grounds he was  having fever. Thereafter on the  spurious recommendation of Dr. Lakshman Jayamanne , Duminda was sent to Jayawardenapura hospital  on the 11 th.  Unbelievably , this infamous  criminal was recommended to be sent to Jayawardenapura hospital on the grounds that he was suffering from giddiness , continuous headache and loss of memory , ignoring the most vital and pertinent  fact that he is  a most dangerous and notorious criminal . The bed ticket  shows  his sicknesses . 
The most perplexing and perturbing recommendation of this scoundrel of a medical specialist Lakshman Jayamanne was : Duminda shall  be sent to the same doctor who treated him previously at the Jayawardenapura hospital. Usually doctors do not recommend that treatment shall be taken from a specific doctor unless there is an ulterior motive. But to doctors like Jayamanne those rackets are a matter of routine.

Duminda who was dispatched to Jayawardenapura hospital on the 11 th was sent back however. The reason for this  cited by Dr. Kahanda Liyanage was , the medical specialist Maheshi Wijeratne (who furnished a bogus medical certificate earlier on  to send Duminda to Singapore is not in the Island and therefore medical treatment cannot be given. This course of action is most outrageous and abhorrent.
Where on earth do such things take place and in which hospital in the world is a patient who is dispatched for treatment sent back without being treated  just because a particular doctor is not there ? This clearly bears out that if by any  another doctor examines Duminda , and states Duminda is not having any sickness , the entire conspiracy they are striving hard to conceal would be exposed, and the cat would be out of the bag. Based on reports reaching Lanka e news, Maheshi Wijeratne returned to SL on the 12 th (evening) .

The conspiratorial plan continues thus ….

The scoundrel of a Doctor  Maheshi Wijeratne is to recommend that Duminda Silva has to receive treatment in the hospital in Singapore where he was treated earlier. Accordingly , he is to secure Court permission .The present courts that even kicked aside the time honored sacrosanct laws existing since 1833 to release Tiran Alles on bail ,refusing to grant permission to Duminda Silva  to travel to Singapore will be a matter for great surprise. 
It is a universal fact that nowhere in the world , an accused who is in the death row after being sentenced to death is allowed to move out from the zone of the court under any circumstance , but  since courts of SL have won ‘trophies’ and set world records in travesty of justice and making a mockery  of the laws , it is not impossible for the SL  courts to grant permission to Duminda Silva the notorious accused who is punished in connection with the multiple murder including Baratha Lakshman, to travel even to Singapore for medical treatment. 

Media coolies who are involved …

Already a blaze of publicity necessary in this direction is being given. The media belonging to Ruwan Ferdinands , a spy of Gotabaya Rajapakse  is giving publicity that the specialists who treated Duminda at the Mount Elizabeth hospital have given a special report which warns  that,  at this juncture if Duminda does not get the due medical treatment his ‘life is at stake.’ The most ridiculous part of this drama is , renegade Ruwan Ferdinands with a putrid antecedence, and one who  would stoop to the lowliest levels for selfish and sordid gains has also proved what a wicked clown he is by showing concern for the life of Duminda and giving false publicity that his  ‘life is at stake’  despite Ferdinands  knowing very well that Duminda the ruthless criminal and heroin magnate  is already sentenced to death after a long trial  , and is in the death row.

Remaining part of conspiracy 

Based on reports reaching Lanka e news , the remaining part of the conspiracy  is as follows :
Duminda is to remain in Singapore until the appeal filed in the Supreme court is heard. If the verdict gives him relief , he will return to SL . Otherwise ,he is to flee to another country. 
If for any reason his trip to Singapore is obstructed , the alternative plan is: while he is being transported   to Jayawardenapura hospital , an escape operation is to be arranged to wrest him from  prison custody, and smuggle him via  sea route  by boat , according to inside information division reports  of Lanka e news. 
If the rule of law in a country is abided by , and sovereign sacrosanct laws are given due recognition , never can such criminal machinations and manipulations take place . In fact none will dare !
However ,as long as there is a  defense minister  and so long as he says  in public , a criminal like Gotabaya Rajapakse who is facing a number of charges will not be allowed to be taken into custody so  long as he  is  the defense minister  , certainly the sovereignty and sacredness of the laws of the country will continue to be undermined and demeaned.
Need we remind the cardinal responsibility of the president and the Prime Minister is to protect and uphold the rule of law, the lofty legal traditions and the sovereignty of  the judiciary .

Connected reports: 
by     (2016-11-14 17:09:31)