Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Monday, November 14, 2016

Candidate polling 574,065 votes more is loser still under queer American elections system !

Trump’s opponents protest (video )

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -13.Nov.2016, 11.30PM)   One of the fundamental requirements  of Democracy is conceding victory to the candidate who won on the votes of the majority of the people .In America this Democratic requirement is not followed . Although Hilary Clinton won with a larger number of votes , she  has been declared the loser and Donald Trump who polled less votes has won. This is because of the election system in the U.S. 
The number of votes polled by Hilary Clinton is : 60,839, 922  (47.78 % of the votes) as against  Trump  who  polled only 60, 265,858 votes (47.33 %) .Accordingly ,Hilary has polled 574,064 votes more than Trump.
Simultaneously with the presidential election , members  are appointed  to the Senate and  the lower assembly . The candidate who is the leader of the team with the representation  exceeding 270 members is declared   the winner .Trump won with 290 representatives which is in excess of 270. In other words  , the wishes of the majority  of people  is rejected.
Tens of Thousand of people took to the streets today to protest  that Trump is not their president. The main slogan of theirs was ‘Racist sexist anti Gay Trump go away.’
The Sri Lankans  who  are loquacious  about the new election system here should  study this queer  system profoundly  with a view to  minimize the errors in our own  proposed election system.
A live video footage of those opposing Trump can be viewed hereunder