Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Blue brigand crooks coming out of remand like ants from anthills after Maithripala’s ‘cyanide’ speech.

Alles and Ekneliyagoda murder suspects too out !

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News - 09.Nov.2016, 9.15PM)  The practice of granting bail without citing reasons  to the Rajapakse brigand rogues who outrageously robbed public  property and the culprits who committed murder for and on behalf of Rajapakses using  the label of ‘war heroes’ , is being continued recklessly by courts in the wake of  the recent  odious ‘ cyanide’ speech of  the president . Today too , Tiran Alles the notorious RADA rogue and two other suspects  incriminated in the Ekneliyagoda murder were enlarged on bail.
The primary  defense advanced by the black coated sharks on behalf of these criminals was : even the president has charged  that the FCID and the CID which filed action in  court against these criminals are discharging their tasks based on political agendas.
Nalin Laduwahetti the lawyer for Alles cited president’s statement as a  defense when requesting bail for his client. On the earlier occasion  , the high court rejected this argument and remanded the culprit , but today the appeal court  vacated that order and directed the high court to  grant bail. Perhaps this is the first time bail was granted to a suspect this way who is facing clear and cogent charges under the Public Property Act of robbing  a whopping  Rs. 2000 million without building a single house for the Tsunami victims out of a sum of Rs. 6500 million of the public funds granted to him for that specific  purpose.

Meanwhile the  two suspects (fourth and fifth accused) who  flaunted the label of ‘war heroes’ , namely , Wadugedera Winnie Priyantha Nilanjan  Upasena alias Suresh and  Seneviratne Mudiyansalage Ravindra Upasena alias Ranji , and were  the remaining two of the suspects in remand custody in connection with Ekneliyagoda murder , were ordered to be released on bail by the Avissawella High court judge  , Amal Thilakarathne today (08) . They were released on a cash bail of Rs. 1 million and two surety bails in a sum of Rs. 3 million each. This means that all the suspects in Ekneliyagoda case are now out on bail. 
While releasing these culprits  on bail , in respect of  the cases against Wimal Weerawansa and Gotabaya Rajapakse long dates  were given by court – postponed the case 7 to 8 months at once, meaning that these two criminals  were afforded  the opportunity to  enjoy to the hilt , their criminalities notwithstanding .
The incumbent president Maithripala Sirisena  who made most solemn and public promises as common candidate during the run up to the last presidential elections that the murderers of Ekneliyagoda will be apprehended and punished ,  did a dramatic turnabout  recently . In his recent  odious cyanide speech , and the subsequent interview with a   newspaper , lamented that the suspects in Ekneliyagoda  murder are in remand custody for a period of 16 long months , in addition to making  a  number  of  obnoxious statements directly bringing pressure to bear on the courts 

by     (2016-11-09 16:26:51)