Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Airport administrators’ order more vehicles incurring Rs.860 million loss to public


November 10, 2016

In an environment where Katunayaka International Airport employees’ welfare facilities including uniforms and transport facilities have been slashed the authorities are engaged in a move of misusing vehicles incurring a loss of Rs.86,000,000 to the government say reports.

Modern super luxury vehicles have been ordered to provide transport facilities to the Chairman and higher officials of the administration while tractors and lorries have been provided for transport of employees.

It is reported that the employees do not get their uniforms in time. Trade union leaders state the Chairman of the Airport Saman Ediriweera has taken three luxury vehicles belonging to the Airport for his personal use but has allocated more money to get down more luxury vehicles for the use of the administrators.

Meanwhile, Katunayaka International Airport is criticized for dirt and corruption. Many complains that bathrooms are unclean and understocked with soap and tissues. The stench of the bathrooms reportedly has an ability to radiate out behind the doors, infusing the terminal more broadly. Users also complained about long queues for immigration, created by seemingly disorganized staff.