Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, August 20, 2016

President threatens to reveal all secrets if rebels form new partyPosition on next government to be disclosed only after 2020 polls


President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday threatened to reveal it all if the SLFP rebels formed a new party. He said the SLFP-UNP coalition would continue till 2020 and what it planned to do next would be disclosed at that time. The president was addressing a large gathering in Matara to mark the first anniversary of the government.
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera were among the leaders present on the occasion

The President vowed that opponents would not be allowed to disrupt their programme.

Warning the Joint Opposition against forming a new political party, the president said that in such an eventuality he would reveal all their secrets, which he had not disclosed so far.

The SLFP leader said that he had disclosed information regarding corrupt financial deals following the Jan. 2015 presidential polls.

Acknowledging that the change of government in 2015 had not improved the economic conditions to the extent the public desired, the President said that they had introduced a new culture and emphasized that he would not tolerate political challenge by way of a new political party.

The warning was given in the wake of the SLFP suspending several key electoral organisers.

The President rejected accusations that his administration was acting in a manner inimical to the national security.

The President said that his administration could not be influenced by the international community under any circumstance.

He said that there was no basis for claims that his government was manipulated and managed by foreign powers.

Commenting on Geneva resolutions, the President said that the government had the strength to face accusations directed at the military. Those who had robbed the country, violated human rights and operated ‘white vans’ would not be allowed to regain power.

The President dismissed the possibility his government facing a political challenge in the near future.

Prime Minister Wickremesinghe reiterated allegations that Mahinda Rajapaksa had won the presidential election 2005 with the help of the LTTE. Alleging that Rajapaksa had worked out a deal with the LTTE, Wickremesinghe said that those who benefited from the LTTE today accuse him of being a traitor.

The Prime Minister said the Sri Lanka cricket team had scored three impressive wins successively because the Cricket Board had been depoliticised.

The PM said the UNP had questioned the wisdom of sharing power with the SLFP, which too had demanded to know why it should forge an alliance with the UNP. Such fears and doubts had been allayed during the last year, he said, stressing that the two main parties had to work together if the country was to achieve progress. (SF)