Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Padeniya’s irresponsible , irrelevant and boorish statements pour scorn on medical profession !

–Group of doctors want him punished duly

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(Lanka-e-News - 19.Aug.2016, 2.15 PM) The public announcements during the past two weeks made by a boor of a doctor - Dr.Padeniya ,who is a government servant are most obnoxious , and are in violation of the disciplinary code , laws and the solemn oath of Hippocrates he has taken of the noble medical profession, according to doctors of the government service . These doctors are therefore urging that he shall be immediately interdicted , and an investigation conducted into his outrageous unprofessional  conduct with a view to  cancel his medical license and strike his name off  the roll of the medical profession   which he is allegedly insulting and denigrating. 
Dr.Padeniya who is the president of the trade union of the government medical officers (GMOA) , recently at a meeting of the medical practitioners held at the Health department openly said , Ranil Wickremesinghe is a mental patient thereby vilifying the Honorable Prime Minister duly elected by the people of the country , unlike Padeniya who had become a doctor out of the funds of the people, and who is now biting the very hands of the people that fed him .  
Perhaps , frustrated Padeniya who has no idea about his own profession (having flagrantly violated the sacred oath of Hippocrates ) is so mentally deranged that  he is ignorant of the  common saying , ‘one thinks of others as one thinks of oneself’
It is very unfortunate this Anurudha Padeniya ,a teenyweeny minion of the medical profession who would not have become a Doctor but for the government funding during his medical studies , and who has lost his sense of proportions ,by calling the Prime minister (P.M.) of the government and the country as insane has proved beyond doubt   he has no knowledge or mental capacity to abide by the disciplinary  code which every government servant is expected to  adhere to . 
Padeniya is only a neuro physician and not a psychiatrist dealing with mental patients . Then how come he can make psychiatric valuations ? unless he is trying to prove wittingly or unwittingly he is a  ‘ mental doctor’  deserving of mental treatment by calling others mad. Hence Padeniya by assuming that the honorable  P.M. of the country is a mental patient has committed a most  grave unpardonable blunder . That is while  being a responsible doctor (‘mental doctor’ or otherwise) , by making such an irresponsible utterance in public he has defamed and vilified the honorable P.M. of the country .
In the circumstances , the derogatory public statement made by Padeniya (irrespective of his own mental derangement) , is absolutely wrong from every angle , the group of doctors who are up in arms  against Padeniya’s boorish conduct and thoughtless utterances ,assered. Therefore they are vehemently insistent that an investigation be conducted into this and Padeniya be duly punished .
The second blundering statement made by Padeniya is in relation to the Indian ambulance service ( this was reported in the media)
Padeniya is so mentally deficient that he is opposing the Indian ambulance service  in Sri Lanka. Subsequently , when the Indian ambulance service was launched , speaking at the Buddha Jayanthi center , he blabbered  thus :
 ‘The Indian ambulance service has arrived. It is said , that service is for emergency cases. Yet inexperienced registered employees have been employed . We have to think  twice whether we should accept patients that are transported by these ambulances with such unsuitable staff’
His statement that inexperienced  staff are employed in the ambulance service is an absolute lie. We hope even though Padeniya is a ‘mental doctor’ he is intelligent and intelligible enough to be taught the fact that , in the country where there was a 30 years old war , ‘emergency patients’ were transported by three wheelers that were around , and not by ambulances in those exigent circumstances. Mind you those three wheelers are Indian products. In those vehicles there  were no experienced staff.   Yet doctors did not refuse to accept those patients.  
By this stupid statement , Padeniya has not only displayed  his ignoble character and abysmal ignorance of general knowledge but even his forgetfulness of the most sacred mandatory  oath of Hippocrates  he took (the oath every doctor has to take) when embarking on this noble medical profession  that , he would utilize all his knowledge and resources at his command to treat every patient brought before him. 
Article 2 and Article  5 of the oath of Hippocrates also make it incumbent on the medical practitioners to treat every patient irrespective of whether he/she is rich or poor . In the circumstances Padeniya who has no capacity to  think sanely and sensibly before speaking , unlike the truly educated and the refined who ‘think before they leap’ , has leapt  even worse than a frog to his doom going by his stupid utterances made in relation to the Honorable prime minister and the Indian ambulance service. Padeniya has therefore transgressed the scared oath most outrageously and shamelessly. 
The group of medical  doctors who know and respect their professional ethics and onerous duties are therefore insistent that deterrent and exemplary punishment be meted out to Padeniya  by either interdicting him or suspending  his medical  license for a period or both  for pouring scorn on their noble medical profession through his stupid announcements , as well as for    showing  scant respect to the sacred oath of Hippocrates , the father of medicine.  
by     (2016-08-19 08:49:35)