Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Yogi Adityanath’s Hindu Yuva Vahini involves in abducting, raping teenage Muslim girls: Mushawerat 

Tuesday January 5, 2016
New Delhi: The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM), an umbrella body of Indian Muslim organisations, in a shocking revelation has confirmed that BJP MP Yogi Adityanath’s Hindu Yuva Vahini is involved in abducting, raping and frocing the teenaged Muslims girls to live with Hindu boys.

After a vist to Kushinagar district in eastern Uttar Pradesh, the renowned Muslim organisation has asked the state government to take notice of these atrocities, send a high-level committee to the district to examine the situation, reassure its harassed Muslims and issue strict orders to the local police and administration to act impartially and in accordance with law.

"A team of the All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM) found that reports of kidnappings of Muslim girls, sometimes as young as 12 years, are true. Many of such girls have vanished, some are known to be living with their Hindu “husbands” while some have succeeded to run away and return to their families", the NGO said after visiting the district.

"The delegation found that young girls are kidnapped or lured away from their villages. They are taken to Gorakhpur and other places where they are raped, subjected to shuddhi (purification) and then forced to marry Hindu boys", it added.

The Mushawerat delegation visited Kushinagar in compliance with a decision of the Central Committee of AIMMM on 5 December 2015 to send a fact-finding committee to the district.

The delegation toured various areas of the district on 30 and 31 December. It met a number of victims, talked to community leaders and visited some villages wherein repair and extension of mosques are not allowed by the police and local administration. The delegation unveiled its fact-finding report at a press conference held at Lucknow on 1 January 2016.

Adityanath’s Hindu Yuva Vahini and allied militias play a major role in this criminal activity which is made more sinister because all girls are under-age.

The fact-finding delegation also visited some mosques in various villages where repair and extension work is not allowed by the police and local administration. The delegation came across a mosque in village Ahroli Rai under thana Kasia where both Muslims and Hindus are requesting the local police and administration to allow the extension of the village mosque but their request is denied.

The fact-finding delegation also made enquiries about some past one-sided riots in which whole Muslim village populations had to flee and spend days and weeks outside their villages due to active police involvement on the side of rioters.

Full text of Mushawarat’s fact-finding repor on disturbing conditions in Kushinagar district:

Lucknow, 1 January, 2016: A fact-finding delegation of the All-India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM) visited district Kushinagar in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The delegation, led by AIMMM President Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, included AIMMM General Secretary and President of AIMMM UP, Prof. Mohammad Sulaiman, General Secretary AIMMM UP, Mr Mohammad Khalid, Maulana Shahabuddin Madni, Mr Arshad Azmi, Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf, Mufti Asif Anzaar Nadwi, Maulana Abdul Wahid Madni and Mr Anwaar Siddiqui.

The delegation visited Kushinagar in compliance with the decision of the Markazi Majlis (Central Committee) of AIMMM in its meeting of 5 December 2015 following persistent reports about the persecution of the Muslim community in Kushinagar, engineered riots, denial to repair, extend and build mosques and dozens of cases of rapes and forcible kidnappings of young Muslim girls by local goons with the support of the Hindu Yuva Vahinni of the BJP MP Adityanath and his allied militias. Kushinagar district has a total population of 36 lakhs out of which 17.4 percent is Muslim.

The delegation toured Kushinagar district on 30 and 31 December and visited about a dozen villages in various parts of the district and found:

1) Reports of large-scale rapes and kidnappings of Muslim girls: Sometimes as young as 12 years, are true. These criminal incidents started on a large-scale since 2013. Most of the kidnapped or lured girls remain untraced while some are known to be living as Hindus. According to girls who have managed to flee from the clutches of their kidnappers, it has emerged that they were lured under various pretexts or snatched away from their villages. They were taken to distant places and temples where they were raped, forced to undergo shuddhi (purification) and then married forcibly to Hindu boys.

Girls who have managed to return are threatened and attempts are made to kidnap them again. The few who had the courage to go public and lodge complaints with the police, are harassed and threatened with the connivance of the local police and administration which threatens the victims and files counter cases against them under SC/ST and Goonda Acts as a pressure tactic to force the victims to withdraw their complaints and cases. In one such case, Muhammad Haneef of village Dharmauli, father of a victim girl collapsed and died in the office of the CO due to dire threats and filthy abuses.

The delegation members met a number of such girls who are living under terror in villages like Dharmauli (thana Hata), Bajaria (thana Bishanpura), Gram Madhopur (thana Bishanpura) and Bajnaria (thana Bishanpura).
2) Denial of repair and extension of mosques: The delegation came to know that in dozens of places in Kushinagar district police and local administration are preventing the Muslims to repair, extend existing mosques or build new mosques on private land throughout the district although there is no legal reason to deny such work necessitated by normal wear and tear or to meet the normal growth of population.

Among the villages visited by the delegation the most peculiar case was seen in village Ahroli Rai (thana Kasia) where both Hindus and Muslims want to extend the existing mosque which was originally built in 1960 but does not cope with the current need of the population of the village. One hundred and ten Hindus of the village have signed a petition addressed to the SDM (Kasia) to allow the extension of the existing mosque. A copy of this petition was provided to the delegation. But the local administration and police are adamant not to allow the same due to the application of of a leader of the Hindu Yuva Vahini militia who lives seven kms away. The reason cited for refusal is that a tiny part of the extension plan falls on the land of a garhi (pond) while the official land records show it to be part of gaddha (uneven land), a copy of which was obtained by the delegation.

Moreover, the Muslim community of the village is ready to compensate the same in terms of money or land but the local SDM (Kasia) is not read to even listen to the persistent requests of the village Muslims and Hindus. It may be mentioned here that the village Muslims had earlier helped the local Hindus build a temple.

The delegation also visited the Jama Masjid of Digwan Khurd village where a ladder from the ground to the first floor to make room for more worshippers, is not being allowed. Persistent applications by the local Muslims to the SDM (Kasia) and DM (Kushinagar) have failed to convince them to visit the place and see the matter for themselves that there is no extension or construction beyond or outside the old moque.

The delegation also visited village Parwarpar (thana Ramkula) where 47 Muslims familes and 1000 Hindu families live. The Muslims are being forced to shift the old mosque, built in 1990, to a distant place so that azan is not heard by the Hindus. Muslims are threatened by Bajrang Dal and Hindu Yuva Vahini people that if they fail to do so, they all will be expelled from the village. Here a Muslim (late Ees Mohammad Ansari) had donated his house a quarter of a century ago to build the mosque. In early 2014, while the local Muslims were building a pillar inside the mosque someone complained and the police rushed to stop the work. But the police and local administration have so far failed to divulge the name of the complainant.

The delegation also visited a mosque in Piprajham village where part of the lane leading to the mosque was forcibly occupied with active police participation. Before the occupation of a part of the lane, 16 Muslim men of the village were arrested and jailed. A room was built on the usurped land during their detention and when the local Muslims protested, police thrashed them, entered their homes and beat up their women as well. The village has 25 Muslim houses and 750 Hindus houses. Local Muslims alleged that the forcible usurpation of the mosque land was done at the behest of the village pradhan and the connivance of the local MLA (Brahma Shankar Tripathi) who is a minister in the current U.P. government.

3. One-sided riots: The delegation visited some villages like Misrpatti, Dubauli Bazar, Madhopur, Kothahi (Chappan Tola) and Malokahi where, among other places, one-sided riots have been instigated since 2013 to usurp Muslim land or on minor issues with a view to teach Muslims a lesson with active local police support. In some of these places like the villages of Molokahi and Madhopur, Muslims had to flee to save their lives and could return only after weeks. Counter cases were filed against them to force them to withdraw their complaints.

The delegation has found that the atrocities against Kushinagar Muslims, kidnappings of their young girls, anti-mosque agitation, and engineered riots are going on with the active support of the local police and administration.

The AIMMM asks the U.P. government to take notice of these atrocities, send a high-level committee to the district to examine the situation, reassure its harassed Muslims and issue strict orders to the local police and administration to act impartially and in accordance with law.