Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Two legged beast that should be examined by Vet. is behind ‘Sinha Le’- Rajitha exposes Ruwan and Co. -Full data and details of Gota’s espionage store house..

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -09.Jan.2016, 1.05PM) Except the  parents of his to claim as humans, and if he himself  fastens the label of beast  and if the blood coursing  through his  veins is   that of a beast , such a creature should immediately be subjected to an exmaination by a Veterinary doctor. It is such a beast that is behind the racist movement ‘Sinha Le’ which aims at resuscitating and resurrecting  the mass murderer and devil incarnate Gotabaya Rajapakse . This beast in human form is none other than the scoundrel who was a secretary to Mangala Samaraweera, and  chased away by the latter, Cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne revealed yesterday when addressing  a media briefing. 
As Lanka e news exposed on 21 st December , so the minister confirmed that this villainous rascal is none other than Ruwan Ferdinands the two legged beast , while  answering a question posed by  a journalist.
Speaking further  minister Rajitha said , this movement that has evil motives of   fomenting  racial hatred and creating communal tension is aiming at de –stabilizing  the country , according to reports reaching Intelligence divisions , and the latter is keeping a strict surveillance  over the movement.
The most perplexing and rudely shocking aspect  relating to  this traitorous involvement is : it is the general  secretary of the SLFP himself who is funding the newspaper which is run by Ruwan Ferdinands who is a  long term spy of Gotabaya . By these exposures what has come to light is ,  while Ruwan Ferdinands is receiving   funds from the SLFP gen. secretary is also simultaneously collecting funds from Gotabaya to boost the latter’s image and stoke the communal campaign , Sinha Le.

It is by now common knowledge that it is a book written about the family of Rajapakses that led to the abduction and murder of journalist Ekneliyagoda , and the one who gave the handwritten  copy of that book on the sly to Gotabaya is this two legged beast Ruwan Ferdinands , based on information elicited from the  army officers involved in the Ekneliyagoda abduction and murder who are now in custody.
Hereunder is a photograph of a data storehouse of spies which was maintained under Lakshman Hulugalla by Gotabaya Rajpakse at that time , and bearing the name of Ruwan Ferdinands .The owner of the email address  ‘guruge ruwan’ in yellow color is Ruwan Ferdinands. Below that is the name of another Editor .
How to identify the  related secretive computer is shown at the end of it. The aforementioned e mail address has been  incorporated into that website , whereby espionage information can be conveyed to Gotabaya from anywhere across the Island.  This data storehouse of Gotabaya was attacked by a ‘friendly’ team of hackers  called ‘ Game over’ , as a result of which  the names of the list of spies (aforesaid) was  exposed. (Friendly hackers means a friendly group of website developers  who after the website is made give  confirmation  whether it can be hacked or not.). This full list of spies is in the possession of Lanka e news.  Among them is the masquerading media group which includes  Ruwan Ferdinands ,and a group of NGO activists .
The worst part of these treacherous and traitorous operation is:  these murderous villainous scoundrels and betrayers had been  pretending to be ‘clean’ and free from these criminal involvements and mingling among  social service activists and journalists  freely ,  even as Gotabaya was abducting media personnel and social service activists  based on the espionage information supplied to him by these very same  masqueraders.

 (Anybody who wants the list of these despicable disgraceful  spies , can obtain it by sending an e mail to Lanka e news).
by     (2016-01-09 07:42:04)