Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Maithri betrays wholesale the masses that installed him in power ! Takes ruthless extreme racists into his embrace !!

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News- 06.Jan.2016, 11.30AM) It is only just a year has passed  since president Maithripala Sirisena became the president . Yet , sad to note  , within this short period the president has become the center of yet another unsavory traitorous  incident which alienates the Sinhala , Tamil and Muslim communities that installed him as the president. That is ,the appointment of an extremist most shameless bootlicking stooge under the former Rajapakse regime -the Divaina newspaper editor Gamini Sumanasekera as president’s media advisor with effect from  1 st January 2016.
In addition ,Malinda Seneviratne  another racist and ‘English’ stooge  of the brutal and crooked Rajapakses , was also appointed as the president’s media advisor.
Needless to say, these are the scoundrels and rascals -  Gamini Sumanasekera and Malinda Seneviratne who were responsible during the era of the crooked , barbaric and brutal Rajapakses to isolate nad insulate  the country from the civilized ‘world,’ owing  to their extreme self seeking  racist ideologies.

It is therefore very unfortunate that the president in spite of all these deadly results staring in his face , is still  unable to understand that the masses threw out the  Rajapakses lock , stock and barrel because the masses  were opposed to the destructive  extremist stance of these scoundrels and rascals . Indeed the president’s incapacity to realize this is casting a cursed spell on  the masses , and none else.

By the  appointment of  the then deputy editor of Divaina as the presidential advisor now , the president has acted that rashly and recklessly, that conflicts  can arise among those close and dear to him.

The most atrocious andv pernicious  part of  this move is : the president’s present forgetfulness  of the past incident in which , Daham Sirisena, the son of president Maithripala and his friends were involved ,when  they molested  the fiancee of the son of deputy IGP Waidyalankara who were  in a hotel in the eastern province .It  was Gamini Sumanasekera who was then instrumental in giving glaring  Island wide  publicity to this ugly episode through the Divaina newspaper at the instigation  of the ex president Mahinda Rajapakse to the detriment of the incumbent president Maithripala Sirisena and his family.

It is a matter for deep regret  that Maithripala’s amnesia is such that he has even  forgotten, during that period  while he  was a minister , it was he who convened a media briefing and bitterly  blamed and castigated the Divaina newspapers and its editorial board led by individuals like Sumanasekera.
When the citizens force team met with the president yesterday to lodge their protest against the appointment of Rajapakse regime racists like Gamini Sumanasekera, Malinda Seneviratne, A.B. Lalith De Silva and Chamudina Samarawickrema, the president has said , he is being attacked through the websites , and in order to save his skin, he had appointed these Rajapakse racists cum stooges.
Maithripala Sirisena today forgetting the stark and unassailable truth  that Mahinda Rajapakse had to meet  his Waterloo because of these scoundrels and rascals who acted  on Mahinda’s  behalf , while  it was only some websites , one  TV channel and the face book that stood by Maithripala  steadfastly,   is most deplorable and detestable . This forgetfulness deliberate or otherwise only goes to demonstrate his ruthless atrocity, unalloyed hypocrisy  and political duplicity  . ( His backstabbing  the only TV channel which stood by him , and granting 8 new TV channels to Kili Maharaja is another villainous vicious action  of his , and another sordid story)
The pro good governance masses who were responsible to install Maithripala as the president point out , the president instead of himself rectifying his faults , seeking refuge under pro Rajapakse villains and venomous serpents, to find solutions  is to court disaster . By the time he realizes,it might be only after he has been reduced to ashes long  after falling   from the frying pan into the fire , the concerned pro good governance masses revealed  with concern.
It is learnt that  Maithripala is being fed with these ‘dead ropes’ by lethal self seeking serpents  like Shiral Lakthileke and deadly Karunaratne Paranavitharne . It will be to the president’s own good if he realizes sooner than later all those who swallowed those  dead ropes met their Waterloo earlier than scheduled.

The masses for good governance are of the view that Maithripala is embracing  these racists not for anything but to impede the new constitution that is under way.  Undoubtedly , through these extreme ruthless racists , it is the plan and plot to sabotage the devolution of powers within a unitary state , and  the abolition of executive presidency . Anybody who remembers what political machinations and manipulations Maithripala resorted to  when the 19 th amendment was being presented , will surely understand where Maithripala is headed now in relation to the proposed new constitution – to root it out  even before it is  a sapling. 
by     (2016-01-06 06:32:40)