Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, January 7, 2016

First independent ambulance service of North

First independent ambulance service of North

Lankanewsweb.netJan 07, 2016
The health ministry of northern provincial council has started an ambulance service from 6th yesterday.
The northern provincial council health minister Dr. P. Sathyalingam said this was the first state ambulance service started in the health sector of Sri Lanka.

This ambulance service is stared centralizing the Northern Province Kilinochchi hospital and all patients can call the emergency numbers and obtain the service free of charge.

Any ambulance closer to the nearest hospital would reach the patient.

The hospital which dispatches the ambulance would be covered by the closest hospital in the area.

The Northern Province health minister said the ambulance service which was started using the ambulances in the government hospitals in the Northern Province would expand this service in the future.

When offering a free service, accidents and pregnancy issues would be given more priority and patients residing in remote areas would also be given the first priority.

Dr. P. Sathyalingam said at a time when there is no single doctor in 29 state hospitals in the Northern province starting a service like this would be a great service for the people in the north.