The Tattered Myths & Deadly Delusions Of Yahapālanaya

By Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe –July 9, 2015
“Yahapālanaya; doctrine and practice of Good Governance”: is being subjected to close critical scrutiny by educated, enlightened and progressive social forces all across the Land. It is posed as a central point of discussion and debate within the progressive political discourse in Sri Lanka. It has acquired a renewed sense of urgency and imminence. This is due to several interrelated factors.
The immediate context is the deep, even agonized and terrified, sense of betrayal that people feel for the broken dreams and promises. The Rajapaksa Regime was defeated and displaced by a large majority of people who had just had enough of the reeking corruption, rampant abuse of power and wanton self-aggrandisement which it had come to concentrate and symbolize. They had become just sick and tired of the lies, deceptions and delusions sprayed upon them on the way to the “Miracle of Asia”. The path to the ‘Miracle’ had ended up in a rude mockery of Nature and cunning betrayal of Humanity. It proved to be a dizzying haven for drug lords, war lords, marauding racketeers, corrupt politicians, bloated bureaucrats, rapists, torturers, murderers, extortionists and other types of such infective, parasitic, venal social species. Mahinda Rajapaksa was the kingpin – the Godfather – of this Mafia State. The overthrow of Mahinda Rajapaksa was the result of a gathering experience and conscious awakening of the intolerable depth of violation of nature and humanity that had defiled and defamed us all, individually and collectively. It is the dawning of this great and portentous realization of being played and taken for a ride that turned the tide.