Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, February 21, 2014

Law college Principal pastes results under cover of night; CJ Peiris the Pachoris tramples laws day and night- 48 students left high and dry
(Lanka-e-News-21.Feb.2014, 5.30PM) A large number of students who sat the law entrance exam had been denied admission and their future been blasted because of the illegal actions of Sri Lanka’s chief justice (CJ) Peiris alias Pachoris who is the only CJ in legal history of Sri Lanka who has become infamously famous for dispensing cheap injustice and cheating justice.

Under the law College constitution a minimum of 225 students can be admitted to the College annually. This has been clearly mentioned in the education Board administrative regulations of the Law College. In other words under the law prevailing in the country , at least 225 students can be admitted annually to the Law College. The Law college administrative Board chief is the chief justice of the country, which means the SL chief justice Mohan Peiris alias Pachoris is the head of this. Despite this being the legal position governing law college admissions , this year only 177 students are to be admitted to Law college instead of 225 students, the minimum intake.

Though this has not been officially announced , the Principal of Law College P.A. Ratnayake who resigned his post suddenly had on the night previous to his exit pasted a list of names of 177 students on the Law College gates and gone. Though it is the examinations department that should announce the Law College entrance examination results officially , they are unable to give a clear answer on this issue.

If only 177 students are to be admitted , the lives and future of 48 students have been blasted . May be this affected number can be more, because last year even when an issue arose 557 students were admitted .By that token , there is a possibility of 380 students being left out. But right now the future of 48 students being blasted is confirmed.

Owing to this quandary , a large number of students who sacrificed their precious time and money to learn are plunged into deep despair not knowing from whom to seek redress. All of them accuse Mohan Peiris alias Pachoris for their predicament. Their grave grouse is , because Peiris who is of the Colombo English speaking bourgeois class, he is seeking to admit students who return from London after successfully completing exams while discarding the ordinary students here who have been successful, in accordance with his own whims and fancies , and to boost his bourgeois eccentricity .

Since the last batch of students under the old syllabus sat this year , the students who sat the exam this year are much more – about 10,000 more. In such circumstances when the admissions should be proportionately more , this effort of Peiris alias Pachoris to curtail the intake is an absolute conspiracy in keeping with his better known title ‘cheat justice.’ There is also another ground that fuels this suspicion. The former law college Principal P.A. Gunaratne who suddenly resigned published the results on January 24 th late at night. But in the Lankadeepa newspaper of 19th January , it was reported how the black crows of law are creeping into law college via clandestine routes, and the CID are conducting an investigation. 

It is therefore the belief of all that a cold calculated complicated conspiracy underlies this whole drama . This iniquitous situation was worst aggravated and became most complicated when Namal the son of MaRa passed the law final exam most controversially , suspiciously and foully thereby making law college a pickle which Institution until then was apparently un- corrupt.