Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, February 21, 2014

If Army Commander was punished for participating in politics why not defense secretary?

(Lanka-e-News-21.Feb.2014, 5.00PM) If the Sri Lanka (SL) former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka who won the war for the country was deprived of his pension, his army honors , stripes and stars , and punished with a two year jail sentence for allegedly participating in politics while in service after ignoring all his patriotic contributions to the country , why is SL’s defense secretary Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapakse the devil incarnate and a byword for lawlessness who not only participated in the political campaign of candidate Gammanpila openly and even got on to latter’s political platform and canvassed for him is not being punished ? Not only the international community , but even the local law abiding citizens and legal luminaries of the country who are rudely shocked by these outrageous lawless conduct of a government servant are questioning.

Certainly laws of a country cannot have double standards. One standard for the people , and another for Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapakse who fled the country for the most traitorous reasons deserting the army and stayed put in the US for decades in fear during the war. Gota the coward should know only the President of the country cannot be hauled up in courts during the tenure of office.

Though the whole country is rudely shocked by the lawless conduct of a high rung government servant and a lawyer Gammanpila jointly , and even after 8 days have elapsed since these election law violations have been committed brazenly and blatantly, the Elections Commissioner who is answerable to the Parliament is gazing keeping his eyes widely open and gaping keeping his crocodile mouth widely open doing nothing. Sadly , even the Minister John Seneviratne in charge of public administration is dumbfounded.

The election monitoring organizations too that are stooping to the lowliest levels of unscrupulous activities and doing the sordid biddings of the Rajapakses have also transformed into effeminate eunuchs (Ponnaiyahs) doing nothing while blabbering about some ‘stickers’ and wasting time instead of addressing these grave violations of election laws by Gota the defense secretary and Gammanpila , a lawyer licensed to practice lawlessness. The Bar Association too is so far silent on this. The media coolies as usual are tightly holding the laptops given by the government on their tops between their legs and spending their time in bars , taverns and kasippu dens taking advantage of the government’s ‘thitthata matha’ policy promoted by the government under the delusive name of ‘mathata thitha.’ The opposition too has not so far stood up strongly enough to demonstrate against the monumental lawlessness of the Rajapakse gangsters who are not only riding roughshod on the country’s laws but also on the people’s abysmal sufferings following gung ho policies .

At least at this belated stage the opposition parties should together make a concerted effort and take constructive action to convince the people that holding elections following two sets of laws : one set for the lawless Rajapakses and another for the law abiding parties, people and groups is meaningless , for like in the past undoubtedly every election in the future too would be won by them using every trick , treachery and illegality . The opposition must jointly with the people rise against these sinister activities of the Rajapakses and root out the black curse of the red shawl once and for all , for the better good of all . Not only the people will be thankful but even the government politicos who are hoping and campaigning secretly for this change . Let us hope this GROBR (good riddance of bad rubbish) will come by sooner than later.