Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, February 22, 2014


February 22, 2014 
Ada DeranaBomb scare letter from student ‘forged’ – Police Puttalam Police have launched an investigation into a “forged letter” alleging a plot to detonate a bomb at a ceremony to be attended by the President.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is scheduled to declare open a science lab at the Zahira Muslim Madya Maha Vidyalaya, Puttalam on Sunday (February 23).

A letter sent to the Inspector at the Puttalam Police Headquarters on Friday (21) alleges of a plot to detonate a bomb during the ceremony at the school. 

The letter, which claims that the explosives are to be placed in a building at the school, identifies the writer as a Grade 13 student of the Kadayamatte Muslim Maha Vidyalaya in Madurankuliya.

Police have uncovered that the student is Tamil and that he is the head prefect at the Muslim school.  

Investigations carried out thus far by intelligence officers reveal that the student in question is innocent and that other Muslim students in the school had been annoyed by the fact that he had been appointed as the head prefect, despite he being a Tamil student in a Muslim school.

Police believe that the letter had been written by three other students in the school possibly to frame the Tamil student. 

However, police said that investigations are still ongoing as the three students suspected of forging the letter are unavailable for questioning and were not at their respective homes. 

Police and National Intelligence Bureau have confirmed that the letter written under the name of the school’s head prefect had been forged. 

Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana, speaking to Ada Derana, stated that investigations have conformed the letter was forged by someone else and that Puttalam Police are conducting further investigations.