Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Are the Tamils Terrorists?

Even Prabhakaran cannot be labelled as terrorist.
Tribute to the LTTE and Tamil People
Tribute to the LTTE and Tamil People
(MELBOURNE) - In the Tube below the NPC Chief Minister Hon. Wigneswaren stated categorically that it is wrong for the Sinhalese to look upon the Tamils as terrorists. With the US 'War on Terror' SL found it convenient to brand the Tamils as terrorist to get the Western and Indian support to fight the Tigers and win the war. Rajapaksa still believes he can wave the magic wand and get away with murder. Please view the tube on what the Chief Minister had to say and read what he said.
Even Prabhakaran cannot be labelled as terrorist. At no point of time he attacked any targets other than what belonged to the Sinhalese. There would have been no Prabhakaran had the Sinhalese honoured the agreements signed with the Colonial Britain and the Tamils. Failure to honour these agreements led to the peaceful resistance and demonstrations. When these demonstrations were crushed with brutal force by thugs and police, and the series of riots that led to thousands of deaths, the youths decided to take up arms against the terrorist state 30 year later. That led to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka that ended with the Mullivaaykkal Genocide in May 2009 and is still carrying on to this date.
The Sinhalese leaders had, long before the date of Independence in February 1948, drawn a road map to colonise the whole of Sri Lanka and turn it into a Sinhala- Buddhist state. In the very year of independence in 1948 they disfranchised the Indian Tamils and declared them stateless. These Tamils had sacrificed their lives in the malaria infested jungles to clear it and start the plantation industries. In the whole process thousands of them died. Today they are living in squalor.
Next they went for the Sri Lankan Tamils, that led to the present conflict. Even when that conflict is not over yet, the Sinhalese Buddhist have begun attacking the Muslims, their properties and their mosques. The Muslims are right now facing the music the other communities faced earlier. When they are totally marginalised the island becomes a fully Sinhala-Buddhist country.
Western powers, who were responsible to bring the Tamils to their present plight are now trying to separate the Tamils from the terrorists. Although the PPT had declared their connivance in the genocide, they still insists that they fought the terrorists, the LTTE. In the tube below the UK ambassador, John Ruskins states that the Tamils will not go back to the days of the LTTE. He fails to realise the Tamils look upon the Tigers as their protectors and the Sinhalese as their oppressors.
The British High Commissioner, John Rankin's, Visit to Jaffna: