Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Accident victim of Minister’s son dies : Son has no D/L – MaRa cangaroo courts come forth to rescue murderer son

(Lanka-e-News- 22.Feb.2014, 11.30PM) The victim who was run over by the vehicle driven by Minister Bandula Gunawardena’s son has died in hospital , and the assistance of courts are being sought to suppress this murder.

In keeping with the present raging lawlessness in the country under the MaRa regime , despite the Minister’s son who caused this accident not having a license to drive a vehicle, he had been released by the courts on a personal bail in a sum of Rs. 200,000. 

It is significant to note that this murderer son of the Minister Bandula who had been driving at reckless speed without a license had knocked down a pedestrian who was crossing along the pedestrian crossing at Gandara , Matara on the 20 th. The victim who sustained serious injuries had died after admission to Karapitiya hospital.

Though sly efforts were made by the traffic division OIC to substitute another individual as driver in place of Bandula’s murderous son , because the web media had exposed the facts already , and the other law abiding police officers objected , that attempt was foiled . Ultimately Bandula’s son had to be produced in court. 

As pointed out in the foregoing paragraphs , the courts have acted most unlawfully by releasing Minister’s son on bail despite the latter having no driving license and the victim dying following the accident.

It is as clear as crystal according to established law , where the driver who caused the accident does not have a driving license and the victim dies following the accident , the driver cannot be released on bail under any circumstance whatsoever, while the issue before the court is whether this is a murder.

In any event it has come to light that the Minister had made a request for a driving license for his son giving retrospective effect, to the Deputy Commissioner of motor traffic who is the chief of Werahera office. The Commissioner Bandukeerthi had however educated him on the procedure adopted when issuing a driving license ordinarily. But the Minister had exerted pressure on him to issue a license with back date ( perhaps the Minister knew well ahead about his frolicsome son’s reckless driving and killer speed ). 

Unfortunately for Bandula , the Commissioner who is law abiding unlike the Minister had disconnected his phone line and gone on leave to escape from lawless Bandula’s pestilence. Because the government servant, the Commissioner is duty conscious and refused to yield to unlawful pressures unlike Bandula the Minister notorious for his crookedness even in the sphere of his Ministerial duties as an education Minister , it is reported that the Commissioner’s job is at stake.