Adducing evidence to substantiate his claim the new Ambassador to Italy Asitha Perera related thus: According to Asitha , the S L Consul offices established in the far off places in Italy are illegal .Consul offices have been established outside the city of Rome in Milano , Verona and others .These offices are not in accord with the laws governing the Diplomatic missions. Just ordinary SLFP party offices have been named as Consul offices , and the tasks which should be carried out by the Diplomatic missions are being taken over by a group of ‘Brokers’ in these offices at much higher costs. Asitha therefore stated , he does not take responsibility for these so called consulate offices . Asitha Perera made these obnoxious disclosures when he attended the two day mobile diplomatic mission services held on the 25, 26 November in Milano. About a thousand Sri Lankans attended these services in Milano. All these illegal offices were opened by the notorious former Ambassador of SL to Italy , Hemantha Warnakulasooriya. He had via the opening of these fake offices collected much higher sums for the services rendered by them . For example , if a Milano resident has to obtain a birth certificate , he must visit the SL Embassy in Rome. His traveling expenditure is Euro 200. The fake consul office , on the other hand performs that task by charging an additional Euro dollars 15. They do the stamping etc. which is usually done by the Embassy. Though this task is performed after charging 15 Euro dollars more , the entire process is absolutely illegal. When a rubber stamping which ought to be done by a lofty Diplomatic mission is done by an ordinary ‘boutique’ , what will be the outcome? Owing to some groups which are only concerned with bootlicking and fawning on the regime at the expense of true national interests , the entire international image of the country is being tarnished. If a consul office is to be run , it must be maintained with the approval of the SL Govt. and the Italian Govt. duly and legally. But these are illegal offices which have sprung up in places of the ordinary SLFP offices in various regions , in a bid to provide livelihood to SLFP ers. Hemantha Warnakulasooriya who was the former ambassador , being a Lawyer ought to have been aware of these glaring illegalities. But he had allowed these illegalities to go unnoticed in order to provide livelihood to SLFP ‘predatory’ stooges. It is an open secret that the extra 15 euro dollars collected from each service went to line the pockets of Warnakulasooriya , the former Ambassador .Incidentally it is one of the fake consul offices which defrayed the tour expenses in entirety of Buddhika Pathirane UNP M.P. , the son in law of Warnakulasooriya who spent Euro dollars 4500 on this tour. The Italian Govt. has ordered that these illegal Consul offices shall be closed down .Already some have put up their shutters. (In the photograph is a bogus receipt issued by the fake Consul office) |